

Native Songbirds


Four new self-adhesive definitive stamps are being issued with the first stamp issue in 2021: "Crossbill" (face value: CHF 0.85), "Citril Finch" (CHF 1.00), "Wallcreeper" (CHF 1.50) and "Red-backed Shrike" (CHF 2.00) are colourful songbirds native to Liechtenstein.列支敦士登邮政于2021年发行一套四枚新的不干胶普通邮票,邮票画面分别为:“红交嘴雀”(面值:0.85瑞士法郎)、“桔黄丝雀”(1.00瑞士法郎)、“红翅旋壁雀”(1.50瑞士法郎)及“红背伯劳鸟”(2.00瑞士法郎)。这些色彩鲜艳的鸟类均为列支敦士登的本土物种。

Coniferous forests up to a maximum of 1,800 m above sea level provide a home for the crossbill. With its strong beak and predominantly red plumage, the forest bird finds food where spruces and dwarf mountain pines grow. The Ruggeller Riet nature reserve with its bedding meadows and bushes is home to the red-backed shrike, which can be recognised by its grey head and a typical shrike black stripe through the eye. Its back is rust coloured and its tail black and white.海拔最高可达1800米的针叶林为红交嘴雀(拉丁学名:Loxia curvirostra,英文名:common crossbill)提供了栖息地。这种森林鸟类拥有强壮的喙,羽毛以红色为主,在云杉和矮松生长的地方觅食。鲁格勒里特(Ruggeller Riet)自然保护区的草地和灌木丛是红背伯劳鸟(拉丁学名:Lanius collurio,英文名:red-backed shrike)的家园,人们可以通过它们灰色的头部及典型的、伯劳鸟特有的黑色条纹一眼就认出这一物种。它们的背部为铁锈色,尾羽颜色黑白相间。

The wallcreeper, on the other hand, adapts perfectly to its habitat in rock faces as its upper parts are grey. The round, red and black wings with white dots are visible only when the bird is in flight. In Liechtenstein its range extends from the edge of the valley to the alpine region. The citril finch can also be found in the mountains. Light coniferous trees at the edge of forests are the confined habitat of the songbird with its striking yellow-green plumage.凭藉身体上部的灰色,红翅旋壁雀(拉丁学名:Tichodroma muraria,英文名:wallcreeper)完全适应了岩石表面的栖息地。只有当它们飞行的时候,人们才可以观察到它们带有白色点斑的红黑相间双翼。在列支敦士登,这种鸟的栖息范围从山谷边缘一直延伸到高山地区。在列支的山间还能发现桔黄丝雀(拉丁学名:Serinus citrinella,英文名:citril finch)。这种鸣鸟的引人注目之处在于它们的黄绿色羽毛,而森林边缘浅色的针叶树则是它们的封闭栖息地。