



“Every morning when I wake up, I experience the greatest joy of all: being Salvador Dalí.” As one of the most important painters of the 20th century, the man with the twirled moustache liked to appear egocentric, provocative and decadent throughout his life. Salvador Dalí (1904-1989) is considered one of the main representatives of surrealism.



Born in Figueras, Catalonia, his artistic talent was recognised and encouraged as a child. At the age of 17, Dalí began his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid. In 1927, he painted “Honey is Sweeter than Blood”, which heralded his development into a surrealist painter. His work took him to Paris and the USA before he returned to Spain, his home country, in 1948. He shared his life with his muse Gala, whom he had met and married during his years in Paris. She acted as a manager of his career and served as a model for many of his paintings.


瓦杜兹的哈斯画廊于1965年和1987年举办了达利的作品展览。目前无人知晓这位大师本人是否曾经来过列支这个国家。我们将推出由三部分组成的特殊微缩版“Salvador I-III”(面值分别为1.20瑞士法郎和1.90瑞士法郎)来庆祝他诞辰120周年。

The Haas Gallery in Vaduz organised exhibitions of works by Dalí in 1965 and 1987. It is not known whether the master himself was ever in the country. We are celebrating the 120th anniversary of his birth with our three-part special miniature sheet “Salvador I-III” (face value: CHF 1.20 and CHF 1.90 respectively).